My Online Elocution Lessons for Children and Young People
Are you happy with your child’s speaking voice? Does it seem to hold them back in some way? This is where I come in! I provide one to one private lessons for young people aged 7 and over. I am an experienced elocution teacher for young people who live in the UK and abroad. I help children and young people to speak clearly with self confidence. This is very effective in their family life and in their school life. Children and young people enjoy the lessons and say they are fun and interesting. I teach the techniques of good speech and clear accurate pronunciation.

Autistic Children and My Elocution Lessons
We are also experienced in helping people who are autistic. We have a successful track-record of working with families and their sons and their daughters who are autistic. Young people and children from 7 work with me online in a one to one way every wee. Helpfully, I may be an autistic elocution teacher. I have recently attended college-courses in autism.